Message from @Koninos

Discord ID: 689539624309358659

2020-03-17 14:49:14 UTC  

What's the alternative if the disease gets serious enough?

2020-03-17 14:51:43 UTC  

Well define serious enough

2020-03-17 14:53:52 UTC  

Where an ordinary person going out poses a serious risk to at-risk citizens like the elderly

2020-03-17 14:54:42 UTC  

If by simpling going outside and being around other people, you are likely to either directly infect and kill the elderly or infect someone else who will, I can see an argument for quarantining you, even from a libertarian perspective.

2020-03-17 14:55:51 UTC  

Well actually no, I think the burden would fall on the elderly to not go outside

2020-03-17 14:56:37 UTC  

Way too indirect of a link chain to justify quarantining healthy people. Unless we are willing to outlaw going outside while sick, idk why it would differ with coronavirus.

2020-03-17 14:59:57 UTC  

Complete martial law

2020-03-17 15:00:07 UTC  

Forced quarantine would be the first step

2020-03-17 15:01:12 UTC  

Which we are seeing right now

2020-03-17 15:01:28 UTC  

Well atleast the preparations for it

2020-03-17 18:17:21 UTC  

@Michael Moreno If we contain coronachan how can we remove the boomer menace?

2020-03-17 18:22:04 UTC  

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Ronin#2310 has been warned., That was, more or less, too violent for discord's likings.***

2020-03-17 18:22:28 UTC  

is this about the joke about the armed plague doctors?

2020-03-17 18:22:45 UTC  

About less retirement.

2020-03-17 18:22:54 UTC  

I'm not calling for the death of boomers

2020-03-17 18:23:03 UTC  

I know.

2020-03-17 18:23:15 UTC  

Except for the part where you said "starve em"

2020-03-17 18:23:27 UTC  

Still, it's too violent for discord's likings.

2020-03-17 18:23:48 UTC  

it's in a metaphorical sense.
less retirement means that they can't sit on their ass and watch Fox all day.
they would have to go back to work

2020-03-17 18:24:15 UTC  

part of the reason why boomers are an economical golf ball in the garden hose is because they stopped working and taking more out of the system than they contributed

2020-03-17 18:24:17 UTC  

Discord won't see it that way.

2020-03-17 18:24:42 UTC  

oh yeah because Discord is run by stupid bots

2020-03-17 18:24:50 UTC  

More or less.

2020-03-17 18:26:35 UTC  

so is the virus actually contained tough?

2020-03-17 18:29:45 UTC  


2020-03-18 03:24:00 UTC  


2020-03-18 04:34:06 UTC  

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Warning logged for donkey man cometh TX#0148. They were not warned., this is for serious chats. Feel free to introduce yourself in <#587015719141507102>***

2020-03-18 05:18:34 UTC

2020-03-18 06:29:16 UTC  

Hans-Hermann Hoppe is a genius

2020-03-18 06:29:35 UTC

2020-03-18 06:36:05 UTC  

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Lil Hoppean#3002 has been warned., memes in serious***

2020-03-18 06:36:39 UTC  

**@Lil Ancap** has been detained.

2020-03-18 08:39:37 UTC  

not gonna lie, i'm really excited for the economic decline in western society, as well as the potential collapse of the chinese government

2020-03-18 08:39:50 UTC  

it's perfect for the reinstitution of fascism

2020-03-18 08:44:52 UTC  

I always assumed that everything would collapse due to war or some kind of uprising.
Then again epidemic is always one of those weird curveballs

2020-03-18 09:23:22 UTC  

We would not be in this situation were it not for globalism

2020-03-18 09:23:41 UTC  

china should be meaningless, and set back to the dirt in which it belongs

2020-03-18 09:27:39 UTC  

It may seem like those ching chong changs are the worst thing ever, but if it weren't for globalists and rampant consumerism we wouldn't be in this mess. Always kill a traitor before an enemy.

2020-03-18 12:08:18 UTC  


2020-03-18 12:10:58 UTC  

the Chinese trying to cover this up didn't help either.
if they closed everything the moment this started we the mess would have been contained.

2020-03-18 13:48:16 UTC  

biohazard collapse is probably the worst type of collapse we couldve asked for tbh