Message from @ComradeChaos
Discord ID: 688314782117658644
Is it because some are loud and ignorant?
no its because liberals are retarded
liberals are tarded again
anyone on the low end of the political scale has no right to exist as a free person
So anarchic people?
anarchic, liberals
same thing really
yeah, I can see why this discord died. It's just a link farm now.
actually true
So u dont got a libtard to kick around anymore
i like bullying low hanging fruit
its easy dopamine
Hi guys
@Doomer Italia <#587023017553559553> for roles
Why is satanism bannable?
@꧁CrownBot꧂ Progressives are retarded and liberalism without a grounding spiritual framework for empowering people to self actualize is retarded.
Liberalism democracy may as well be chattle slavery wherein the state owns your labor and placates you with material distractions through inverting dialectical materialism
@ComradeChaos Why is a spiritual framework needed for self actualization?
Maybe you'd want to ping me in <#587028275918929925>
Trudeau is an STD fetishist? 🤔🤔🤔
@AncienMedecin well his wife tested positive
It's Ok, cucky Trudeau isn't allowed to touch his wife unless it's Christmas or his birthday
Trudeau is hot ngl
Trudeau has a soyface, means he's got a big dong
Vietnamese dong time
Trudeau doesn't like borders
He's a cuck what do you expect?
some form of survival instinct
Hi chuck