Message from @Miriam

Discord ID: 689151401460629528

2020-03-16 16:35:34 UTC  

No one is saying the world will end because of this.

2020-03-16 16:36:02 UTC  

But there is the potential for millions of deaths, especially among our most vunerable like the elderly or people with underlying health conditions.

2020-03-16 16:37:36 UTC  


2020-03-16 16:37:38 UTC  


2020-03-16 16:38:19 UTC  

I am also Jewish.

2020-03-16 16:38:40 UTC  

@Maksim ban them please

2020-03-16 16:38:57 UTC  

why is there a zionist rank?

2020-03-16 16:39:15 UTC  

Why would anyone be opposed to Zionism?

2020-03-16 16:39:23 UTC  

do you wanna race mix with me?

2020-03-16 16:39:57 UTC  

there is already a Jewish ethnostate

2020-03-16 16:40:10 UTC  

in that sense it's an obsolete ideology

2020-03-16 16:40:23 UTC  

it's like being against the aristocracy

2020-03-16 16:40:40 UTC  

It isn't obsolete for as long as people threaten it's existence.

2020-03-16 16:41:05 UTC  

who the fuck is threatening your existance?
The US spent more in Israeli defense than their own.

2020-03-16 16:41:07 UTC  

Did someone say aristocracy?

2020-03-16 16:41:14 UTC  

Israel is fighting off inbred goat herders

2020-03-16 16:41:19 UTC  

The entire Arab world.

2020-03-16 16:41:19 UTC  

Death to israel

2020-03-16 16:41:22 UTC  


2020-03-16 16:41:28 UTC  

I hope Syria fucking destroys them

2020-03-16 16:41:37 UTC  

Remember the war of 1948, and the six day war?

2020-03-16 16:41:49 UTC  
2020-03-16 16:42:02 UTC  


2020-03-16 16:42:34 UTC  

This way Israel won't be threathened
because any threats against Israel would go agains the British empire
or what's left of it

2020-03-16 16:42:58 UTC  

@Miriam i forgive you for being jewish come here baby girl

2020-03-16 16:43:38 UTC  

I don't really see why I should care about the Jews.
I'm not a Jew and so far messing in their affairs has just made things worse in general

2020-03-16 16:43:57 UTC  

Why not just expand the definition of "jew" to just include everybody? Then arabs are jews too and there's no reason to fight

2020-03-16 16:44:03 UTC  


2020-03-16 16:44:13 UTC  

excluding non-Jew born Jews is antisemitic and racist.

2020-03-16 16:47:12 UTC  

tough I don't see why Jews and Arabs can't work together.
I mean 109 countries, one moon , and 359 expulsions is just a coincidence.

2020-03-16 17:10:15 UTC  

Arabs are semites, not all semites are jews

2020-03-16 17:12:44 UTC  

I'm opposed to Zionism because it's not reciprocal. Israel has relied on the United States heavily for financial and tactical support and yet it feels like we're just another enemy that you plan on screwing over after the fact. Personally, I'd rather eliminate Islam and reinstitute Hellenism from Europe to North Africa

2020-03-16 17:13:25 UTC  

I also wouldn't be surprised if the arabs hate us because we keep propping up the Jews.

2020-03-16 17:13:39 UTC  

Pretty sure Muslims don't give a shit about us if we stopped shooting them.

2020-03-16 17:13:43 UTC  

I don't care why the Muslims hate us

2020-03-16 17:14:14 UTC  

They've asked for Spain to apologize for liberating Spain from the moors, that's enough for me not to trust them

2020-03-16 17:16:40 UTC  

what I mean is
there would be less trouble in the west if we didn'

2020-03-16 17:16:46 UTC  

didn't prop up the Jews.

2020-03-16 17:16:58 UTC  

we would also have more money

2020-03-16 17:18:17 UTC  

assuming we did a full Zionism ("send" all Jews in European and American borders to Israel) we would also see a drop in infant mortality and maybe even stabilization of the entire west.

2020-03-16 17:18:56 UTC  

oh how horrible we will also lose a lot of career politicians and end up losing all of Hollywood