Message from @Ater Votum

Discord ID: 689944597689925637

2020-03-18 19:03:53 UTC  


2020-03-18 19:03:56 UTC  

Language shouldn't be a criteria for creating alliances.

2020-03-18 19:04:04 UTC  

the problem with the EU is that it tries to get countries together that don't really have that much in common or are an economic dead weight

2020-03-18 19:04:40 UTC  

and it forces nations to abide by rules they may not want to or face not being supported economically

2020-03-18 19:04:59 UTC  

Getting countries which don't have much in common together might be beneficial, but the EU has failed to make such "union" beneficial, because of its incompetence.

2020-03-18 19:05:11 UTC  

then again I think the concept of pan-Germanism isn't something easy to grasp for somebody that doesn't live in a Germanic nation.

2020-03-18 19:06:06 UTC  

I think it's also that the EU is too strong in some areas and too weak in other.
On the one hand it tries to be a super state with a central bank and constitution and the Schengen area.
On the other hand it failed at establishing a common language and set of laws.

2020-03-18 19:06:35 UTC  

tough it's working on the later.
Hell, the bozos we sent to Brussels can't even communicate among each other without a translator.

2020-03-18 19:07:12 UTC  

now that I think about it, the only uniting factor in Europe is how much we all hate the EU

2020-03-18 19:07:26 UTC  

I mean establishing a common language and set of laws couldn't work in the first place.

2020-03-18 19:07:37 UTC  

The common set of laws kind of could.

2020-03-18 19:08:37 UTC  

there was also talk of a unified army
which is hilarious because the common EU defense doctrine is "work as a speedbump and wait for the Americans."

2020-03-18 19:10:18 UTC  

common set of laws might actually set off something.
Especially if it gets coupled with an EU "peace keeping force"

2020-03-18 19:12:32 UTC  

slamalakum everyone

2020-03-18 19:18:07 UTC  


2020-03-18 19:31:52 UTC  

oh so that's what their noses are for

2020-03-18 19:32:40 UTC  


2020-03-18 21:12:54 UTC

2020-03-18 21:13:30 UTC  

real life tf2

2020-03-18 21:24:58 UTC  

I cummed.

2020-03-18 21:45:40 UTC  

then my work here is done.

2020-03-18 21:47:36 UTC  

Is this the server where I LARP as a roman praetor raping Messalina?

2020-03-18 21:52:28 UTC  

@Joe The Communist <#587029719162290176> bro wheres the swedish empire at

2020-03-18 23:31:52 UTC  

>Is this the server where I LARP as a roman praetor raping Messalina?

No Sir that is the Scipio Africanus department

2020-03-19 00:51:48 UTC  

I like when Nazis namecall me instead of giving actual arguments, because their actual arguments give me stress from how fucking dumb they are

2020-03-19 00:52:53 UTC  


2020-03-19 00:52:56 UTC  

They give me stress

2020-03-19 00:53:12 UTC  

Earlier today I was debating a Nazi who literally fucking said the slave trade was controlled by Jews

2020-03-19 00:55:15 UTC  

Like unironically

2020-03-19 00:55:21 UTC  

His source was a TUMBLR POST

2020-03-19 00:55:32 UTC  

How do I not get stressed out at the stupidity of humanity due to that?

2020-03-19 00:55:52 UTC  

Can you stfu

2020-03-19 01:18:39 UTC

2020-03-19 01:22:28 UTC  


2020-03-19 01:50:25 UTC  

@Avgvstvs was it ofvo

2020-03-19 01:50:29 UTC  

He does that

2020-03-19 02:09:56 UTC  
