Message from @Avgvstvs
Discord ID: 690034463370903573
Americans too dumb to understand that you can just pull the skin back
circumcision is mutalation
It's more useless than you'd think
More useless than my entire penis?
Aside from premonitions it's less useful than a smart phone
Or like basic medical knowledge
why chop off only a bit of the dicke when you can just lop the whole thing off
Jewish magic is being able to graduate from college
then you don't have to worry about penile hygiene
I don't know how they're able to do it
lol dumb american
how much is burger + freedom =
where's the farthest point you can be from a mcdonalds
It's a gun
hint: it's in the pacific ocean
No burger plus gun equals freedom
Burger minus freedom equals gun
then burger plus freedom equals 2 freedoms minus gun
quik mafs
i have 15 mile dong
That's smol
shut up amerifat i have small hands
it looks bigger
i am a woman
OMg TranN y
macaco panico
lol a brazilian nazi
"i'm white"
This seems quite dead
As of right now