Message from @Notso

Discord ID: 690076109244596311

2020-03-19 05:51:27 UTC  

Listen, I’m just doing my job. About an inch from throwing him in detention for a couple hours

2020-03-19 05:51:55 UTC  

If you push my buttons again I will detain you.

2020-03-19 05:51:59 UTC  

doing your job is being a dog

2020-03-19 05:52:11 UTC  

no brain

2020-03-19 05:52:12 UTC  

just doing

2020-03-19 05:52:16 UTC  

@P4Fp2T3F7 didn't you claim to be a Christian?

2020-03-19 05:52:17 UTC  


2020-03-19 05:52:49 UTC  

Yeah I just do shit at work too. No brain involved most of the time, and when it is it’s just diagnosing computer problems.

2020-03-19 05:52:54 UTC  

I don’t make decisions

2020-03-19 05:53:00 UTC  

I follow what my superiors say to do

2020-03-19 05:53:05 UTC  

Even if I know it’s dumb

2020-03-19 05:53:21 UTC  
2020-03-19 05:53:30 UTC  

Otherwise I’d get yelled at/fired

2020-03-19 05:53:40 UTC  


2020-03-19 05:53:42 UTC  

so u are actually

2020-03-19 05:54:04 UTC  

There’s a time, place, and person to discuss the stupidity of their ways, civilly and calmly, and why my way is better if there is an issue at work

2020-03-19 05:54:14 UTC  

Not just disrespecting the regulation

2020-03-19 05:54:55 UTC  

When you have to rely on someone to make sure you’re fed who won’t put up with your bullshit (a boss) you’ll learn

2020-03-19 05:55:37 UTC  

It sounds like you just want to do whatever you want currently.

2020-03-19 05:55:54 UTC  

Egoism is destructive to everyone around you. Rules are in place, generally, for the common good.

2020-03-19 05:56:05 UTC  

If you have an issue with the rules you can ask when Anon wakes up.

2020-03-19 05:56:09 UTC  

I am a fed.

2020-03-19 05:56:25 UTC  

Heil hitler amirite fellow white supremacists

2020-03-19 05:56:29 UTC  


2020-03-19 05:56:40 UTC  


2020-03-19 05:57:29 UTC  


2020-03-19 05:57:40 UTC  

i was doing something else because i dont care about your argument

2020-03-19 05:57:48 UTC  

learning something stupid

2020-03-19 05:57:50 UTC  

isnt for me

2020-03-19 05:57:52 UTC  


2020-03-19 05:58:11 UTC  


2020-03-19 05:58:13 UTC  


2020-03-19 05:58:14 UTC  


2020-03-19 05:58:15 UTC  

poor u

2020-03-19 05:58:29 UTC  

> There’s a time, place, and person to discuss the stupidity of their ways, civilly and calmly, and why my way is better if there is an issue at work
@Notso then when and where is it?

2020-03-19 05:58:32 UTC  

later ?

2020-03-19 05:58:35 UTC  

ofc always later

2020-03-19 05:58:55 UTC  

When I am with the boss, after work

2020-03-19 05:58:58 UTC  

> Egoism is destructive to everyone around you. Rules are in place, generally, for the common good.
@Notso for the but not doing it jobs

2020-03-19 05:59:05 UTC  


2020-03-19 05:59:07 UTC  
