Message from @Kainfrauzer
Discord ID: 690429303472521257
apartheid was bad but preferable to current state in reality SA should have been divided into seperate ethnostates where the zulu's afrikaaners boers bantu's coloureds and other groups could pursue their own futures and be who they were without hinderance
@Lekka Hmmmmmmm
That was what the bantu stans were, they failed.
If such a thing was attempted the bantu's would still fail and would blame the boers and seek to disrupt and destroy their independent states.
Secondly the boers and whites genuinely believed that the africans could be raised to european levels given enough time, and also desired their resources and labour.
@Lekka That video
Basically no one would have wanted it, could only occur as a result of a yugoslav style break up in war
@Florida Man what about it
It kinda makes sense
i know
Is this place racist like The Right Server?
i mean
im racist
@Maksim Just wanted to point out a spelling error on the Environmentalist role.
racist? yeah i love racing
uma deliiiicia
Is that a fucking Tommy Gun,
Are you retarded
Are you genuinely retarded
Yeah I am.
Please tell me you're just pretending to be retarded
That's a fucking ppsh
That’s a WWI gun; got a manual for it in my basement.
One sec.
Overheats quickly.
Are you retarded
That is a PPSH
Not really no; I can provide an image.
Of something that appears the same.
Shut the fuck up
One more word
And I’ll piledrive an Abbowaffen G36C
Into your HANDS