Message from @0ssewa
Discord ID: 694489724332671019
@Sacerdōs Tonitruum nice insult dipshit
thank you
how kind
you're making me cry
You're broken people
The worst insult anyone can ever give you is the truth.
that's true
when it comes to those broken
If you're telling me captain "muh bitch stole from me" isn't broken then I don't know who is
and who is that?
and why is he?
because he complains about a woman?
anyone can complain, odesn't make them broken
No, I just think that I would rather be there for them if social order breaks down and let them be born again through the eyes of suffering
social order will break down
I think frankly you're a bit of a bitch if you blame brainwashed people for being cattle
you're not willing to actualy address the real problems: hell I don't even know if you can understand them
the only reason I woke up was because of lsd
repatterning my brain
Blaming women for being trapped in social conditioning is WEAK
They make choices, but come one: we know how women are. They're supposed to reflect our drive and western people HAVE NONE
who here blamed women
l mao
>their fault for not waking up when presented with an opportunity
You did
You called me an incel like a foid and/or/fag would
It’s cringe
@ComradeChaos no that was directed to you
I'm wide awake, thanks.
< I’m 6’2
Yeah I am
Insecure fag lmao
No I'm just truthful