Message from @Jakob Fon Torkar

Discord ID: 679030868051755044

I'm happy for my Daughter to go to College and do her Hairdressing

Thomas Sowells Mom made him read 1 book a week

2020-02-17 16:34:30 UTC  


Sargon's about 5 years late

2020-02-17 16:52:31 UTC  

is it bernie's fault tho?

why wouldn't it be Bernie's fault

he associates with these people

these people are his activists

and they are fucking Commies

You are from Poland you should hate the Commies more than I do

and I want to dump them all in the Ocean

2020-02-17 17:08:44 UTC  

He has no spine thus his 'cause' is easily co opted. He's the leader so he is responsible.

which is why the Black women that took over his Rally crushed him

2020-02-17 17:56:42 UTC  

And why he is going too get crushed now after he was thrown out of his own rally by femenazis last week

2020-02-17 18:25:42 UTC  

>"Universal health care: not a radical idea."

2020-02-17 18:26:05 UTC  

No, but it's a SHITTY IDEA. Our health system is a remnant from the Yugoslavia era, and is falling apart because of it.

2020-02-17 18:26:14 UTC  

Our most skilled doctors are fleeing north to Austria. where the pay and social benefits are way better, while the communist party under the guise of "social democrats" are importing cheap Balkan slave labor.

I do think the NHS is a good idea

My Nana worked for the NHS her whole Career

The NHS killed my Grandad, her Husbnad

2020-02-17 18:33:30 UTC  

now it's falling apart because non-citizens are taking up everything?

cus it's over streached the the kept re-scheduleing his operation

I can't spell


they rescheduled his operation over and over

until he was too ill to have the operation

and one day

I'm gunna burn them all down for that

but not with explosives

if the NSA is watching this discord

2020-02-17 18:40:24 UTC  

Broo yesterday: My real name is [redacted]
Broo today: I'm going to do something that will certainly result in massive jail time

2020-02-17 18:40:32 UTC  


No not at all

I don't need to bomb a hospital to end the NHS

2020-02-17 18:41:36 UTC