Message from @THCVee

Discord ID: 529980622828208138

2019-01-02 11:10:45 UTC  

any of you got beatsaber

2019-01-02 11:10:50 UTC  

@V3xxed_G1raff3 It's clearly a joke.

2019-01-02 11:10:54 UTC  

Fucking calm down.

2019-01-02 11:11:17 UTC  

will do man

2019-01-02 11:11:33 UTC  

just a bit on edge today

2019-01-02 11:11:47 UTC  

then maybe its time for a break from the internet

2019-01-02 11:11:59 UTC  

just maybe

2019-01-02 11:12:02 UTC  

This is probs not the best place for you if you're feeling that way.

2019-01-02 11:12:14 UTC  

ill be fine

2019-01-02 11:12:28 UTC  

Thats what they all say

2019-01-02 11:12:29 UTC  

ive been through worse

2019-01-02 11:12:35 UTC  


2019-01-02 11:12:45 UTC  

20 minutes later their septic'd, botbanned and then banned

2019-01-02 11:13:05 UTC  

just because you are going through shit doesnt mean we need subjecting to it

2019-01-02 11:13:08 UTC  

i wont get to that point

2019-01-02 11:13:16 UTC  


2019-01-02 11:13:17 UTC  


2019-01-02 11:13:30 UTC  

morning twinnie

2019-01-02 11:13:34 UTC  


2019-01-02 11:13:40 UTC  

I need to hurry my arse up

2019-01-02 11:13:47 UTC  

hangover gone now then?

2019-01-02 11:13:50 UTC  

im gonna go play beatsaber then

2019-01-02 11:13:55 UTC  

Driving lessons in 15 minutes and i still gotta shove clothes on

2019-01-02 11:13:57 UTC  

And yeah

2019-01-02 11:14:18 UTC  

goood, sounded like it might have been a multi dayer

2019-01-02 11:14:26 UTC  

Nah its all good

2019-01-02 11:14:30 UTC  

@sweatercowsandsass Next one is tomorrow for me.

2019-01-02 11:14:36 UTC  

Never usually lasts more than one day

2019-01-02 11:14:49 UTC  

only after a few eccies

2019-01-02 11:14:53 UTC  

@Cow ooooo, i think today is the day i finally end up out on the open road

2019-01-02 11:15:04 UTC  

How many hours in?

2019-01-02 11:15:11 UTC  

@Cow what car you doing the test in?

2019-01-02 11:15:13 UTC  

In total?

2019-01-02 11:15:22 UTC  

Probs like 4/5?

2019-01-02 11:15:51 UTC  

shit they must have changed how they teach, i was open road first lesson back in the day

2019-01-02 11:15:59 UTC  

@V3xxed_G1raff3 Fiesta16 plate

2019-01-02 11:16:19 UTC  

not bad

2019-01-02 11:16:33 UTC  

@THCVee i was in a quiet little estate, dont really count that lmao

2019-01-02 11:16:52 UTC  

I've been on main roads the entire time lol.

2019-01-02 11:17:05 UTC  

I'm scared to go on a main road lmao

2019-01-02 11:17:08 UTC  

would have went for a pegeot 103 myself but whatever floats your boat