Message from @Potato Man

Discord ID: 531650854470811680

2019-01-07 01:49:02 UTC

2019-01-07 01:49:11 UTC  

is someone legit bragging that they used to shag markus?

2019-01-07 01:49:17 UTC  


2019-01-07 01:49:17 UTC  

Think so

2019-01-07 01:49:18 UTC  


2019-01-07 01:49:23 UTC  

As a scotsman, if like to strick dank from the record and say that his upsetting looks do not represent all of us

2019-01-07 01:49:25 UTC  

@Potato Man holy shit! Did ET Have a Stroke?!?

2019-01-07 01:49:25 UTC  

weird flex but ok

2019-01-07 01:49:27 UTC  

My brother is getting into painting 40k figures

2019-01-07 01:49:27 UTC  


2019-01-07 01:49:32 UTC  

Heavy weird flex

2019-01-07 01:49:45 UTC  

@Codfish Russell my jimmies

2019-01-07 01:49:47 UTC  

not something you have done tho

2019-01-07 01:49:48 UTC  

like markus fucked creep so idk about standards being 100

2019-01-07 01:49:51 UTC  

@Dimorac looks like it! He's done a vid where he and a couple of people sneak into Pripyat 😂

2019-01-07 01:50:16 UTC  

@greydudebro is he a kid/teenager?

2019-01-07 01:50:31 UTC  

@YeetshirtNinja something we've not done though

2019-01-07 01:50:31 UTC  

Naw hes 19

2019-01-07 01:50:37 UTC  

She's mad because I'm the better woman.

2019-01-07 01:50:40 UTC  

Just loves model painting

2019-01-07 01:50:41 UTC  

then he's fuckign retarded

2019-01-07 01:50:45 UTC  


2019-01-07 01:51:08 UTC  

@Potato Man I have so many questions

2019-01-07 01:51:18 UTC  

He started with WW2 tabletop games models

2019-01-07 01:51:19 UTC  

you keep telling yourself that tea

2019-01-07 01:51:26 UTC  

I know I'm the better woman.

2019-01-07 01:51:26 UTC  

@Potato Man only place I can think is Russia?!?

2019-01-07 01:51:27 UTC  

hi dim

2019-01-07 01:51:30 UTC  

Shit like Bolt Action

2019-01-07 01:52:01 UTC  

it's Saga - Dark Age, or go fuck yourself @greydudebro

2019-01-07 01:52:13 UTC  

@SonicBewm Prove it.

2019-01-07 01:52:21 UTC  


2019-01-07 01:52:24 UTC  

Eh tell that to my brother not me

2019-01-07 01:52:36 UTC  

ive fucked dank and you havent

2019-01-07 01:52:38 UTC  

Little spacker anyway

2019-01-07 01:52:44 UTC  

He is

2019-01-07 01:52:45 UTC  

@greydudebro get him on then

2019-01-07 01:52:57 UTC  

@SonicBewm Your standards are low.

2019-01-07 01:53:00 UTC  

I feel sorry for you

2019-01-07 01:53:03 UTC  

I live in a different part of the country mate how