Message from @George.
Discord ID: 532025744683958310
soup dad you bitch
Doin it for the real niggas
muh negro
muh farm equipment
@George. stop that shit we dont care
i'll send him my prayers
like we legit do not care about fiver jesus
just spreading the word of christ
seriously die
i hope you get salmonella
wait wtf is this. why is he crying?
he is being legit
i'm more interested in the cult
rockin the spacex hoodie. lol this is too much. he's blbubbering about youtube saving his life and how his family hates him. I'm still stuck on the cult shit.
great cupholder
if they were orange crush i'd give a 7/10. the labret is killing me.
the fuck
jesus was in a cult
and they’re trying to take his kids
the actual fuck
jesus was a commie hippie who loved homeless and hated the rich
this some weird shit
jesus spread his knowledge through weebshit
he was also likely black
jesus was most likely middle eastern
or some other shite
None of this anglo chin strap shit.
that depiction always seemed weird to me