Message from @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe
Discord ID: 277177817752403978
Oh my god xD
Someone post the french flag over Jone's face and you'll be good to go for that scene
someone get the FOOF
Anyone else saw how the Antifa website got hacked yesterday or the day before? They fixed it now, but guess what it was hacked in to?
Seriously though, foof-throwers would be a great weapon.
A speech by Hitler
And yeah I saw
That was amazing
I've just realized that there are a lot of antifa graffiti in my city
feels bad
I live in Kentucky, so things are quiet here (Even if i'm in one of the only 2 blue counties) but it doesn't mean i can't see the shit going on in the rest of the country. Antifa makes my blood boil
On their FB Emerald city antifa said they didn't post it. They could be lying though
I mean, the problem with Antifa is that they're not really a cohesive group.
it's our advantage
I hate communists
so do we
More like a horde of over-emotional violent fiends that are using a facade of tolerance and virtue to hide a sadistic, malicious cruelty.
You're in the right place.
Churchill was right
Specifically anarcho communists
ancaps are okay
@everyone Regarding uniforms, I suggest heading over to 5.11 tactical and choosing something from there
Yeah but the one principle antifa always defends it the necessity of using violence to silence people they don't like.
Ancaps have an equally hard to understand vision for America imo but yes they don't ruin everything they touch so they're good guys in my book.
we all should have the same uniform though shouldnt we?
Yea. It's hilarious; on their website they claim to be a "peaceful movement" but on the same page it says "PUNCH A NAZI!"
@Karling Yes. I meant to say that we should pick something from there.
Comfy/fashy clothing.
We should probably not have uniforms
I've been trying to convince the owner of another Discord i'm in that violence based on a label or title like that, which Antifa throws around a lot alone, is not grounds to be violent. The people in that channel have a good community, but when things get political they become something else...
Ancaps are silly but they want to achieve their goals through peaceful means so they are harmless.
Why not? It distinguishes us from the disorganized nature of antifa @Crab Core (CA)
A "meme" the Antifa tranny sent me