Message from @asda smart price
Discord ID: 533101326276493323
Shut up, Nigger
they made curie a mod in order to freshen up the atmosphere
@Curie ❤ wholsome boi
thats stupud
you stupud
can someone tell me all the fucking mods and what types of people they are
@ニガーファーホット Fuck off
Why don't you figure it out yourself
Oh really?
I was just fucking asking, sorry
Didn't know
I think the mods should all introduce themself to you @ニガーファーホット by kicking you individually
not him
Who the fuck is Jay?
Who's jay anyway
antichrist of whiteys
Jay sounds like a faggot
@ニガーファーホット it's almost like there's a link to the wiki in <#437994388493303820> that you should have read when you joined...
Whens the whitey cull happenning?
hah lorne is kill