Message from @kansasfag
Discord ID: 276942303401345025
I haven't gotten banned from there once despite starting shit there like 50 times
I'll post this to 4pol and 8pol again in the morning.
just act like a marxist but call anyone who isn't a radical a "neoliberal" and you start shit easily
get more ppl into this discord
we have to do the thing
i'll try to make some proof screengrabs later
did someone die in berkeley?
I believe so.
Tfw the Anticom flag OP used is my Twitter profile pic
probably not, but severely injured at least
critical condition
I've posted this discord link to some choice places, so hopefully some people will be joining soon.
i think civil war is coming.
I hope so
4-6 weeks
not even civil war
more of a massacre
its being orchestrated
with the military on our side vs the weak lanky cucks, it'll be a genocide
but it will be a good thing regardless if kikes are pushing for it
I'll be comfy in the country
MFW in So Cal
it's ok though
Same sd
good fightin
What part of kansas im ok and its pretty red pilled
oh, yeah, Soros is behind it all. thats obvious., this financed by the international jew, just like Germany was, just like Russia Representing
tfw I work in finance and my boss likes Trump :^)
yep most cucked part of kansas
Good evening , NY coming through
Search your nearest cities + "antifa" on social media
North Texas here
i'm in louisiana so not much i can really do
I'll create some separate text channels based on state.
You will find multiple Antifa pagesr