Message from @Dr. Graphix
Discord ID: 533813389819117589
Ketchup pancakes was something I actually used to eat when I was younger. And a few years ago I'd just throw a potato into the microwave for 5min and dip it whole into ketchup and eat it
Been back for a while rat
You're liable to get a yeast infection
you dont want a nasty yeasty on ur peepee
what in the fresh fuck
@kromedrone I mean I put a ton of vinegar on burgers, apparently that's weird
Also @Purple, while my ex was pregnant with my son, at friggen midnight she'd have me go pick up a dominos pepperoni pizza and she'd put chocolate chips in it.
She also did the pickles and peanut butter thing, which Is apparently common with pregnant women
tell her to get a better taste in food
Yeah soup
Just tell a pregnant woman that
See what happens
that 1911 isnt for show
Pickles made me ill when I was pregnant so did peanut butter.
Craved burgers like crazy.
I take my chicken medium rare
raw chicken is the way god intended
Wait, fucking PapaBear was talking about how he got chicken sashimi once, I called bullshit but he stood by it
I do believe thats a thing in japan
I eat my chicken with the feathers still on like Allah willed it
@coattailsandbowties aint that a Korean thing?
Apparently there is a specific way of preparing it so you can eat it rare..
@Potato Man Japanese
You guys don't eat your livestock live?
Medium rare... chickens
Sickened but curious
@Puggehh its all gooklish to me
Like I'd eat it if I was entirely sure of the exact chickens breeding line and full medical
No that's just raw chicken