Message from @Papi_Ravioli
Discord ID: 534775782904692736
Also gay
waifu is the best rank on this server
no it's true
Octavia wafiu
Aspiring to get waifu rank
wait how oct isnt a waifu
no soup!
More like worst
cos octavia is a girl
I'm going to game end eventually
Waifu back
Gary is havin nam flashbacks
respect waifus gary
ask jim @MidshipGary
Why have you forsaken us brother
@MidshipGary just nuke the server Gary, be the hero we need right now
Wait this wasn't your idea Gary? oh bby
***watches one dankula video***
Wait waifu is back lmbao
Ruger can save us
Lolis Might Be Atrociously Overpowered
When will my suffering end
@Miri when daddy says it ends