Message from @Kal
Discord ID: 534794041074647051
post id with everything but d.o.b scribbled out ez
i am
Tea what food you making lately
Pls no bully
i feel okkkk it's not thaaat bad
I'm getting gang banged
my throat hurts my head hurts and my muscles hurt a little but it's only the start I think
@greydudebro Made fried breakfast this morning then Caesar salad for dinner.
Hatter <:wack:532428984496160769>
you're cool man
You're cool Hatter
Fuck I want to smash a good caeser salad rn
i diiiid but my head still p ouch
like right above my nose?
actual just stings
im having a nice chicken and bacon pasta bake in like 20 mins
Good ole sinus headache
Aye sinus
what is this rea;?
ok so basically dont get the flu
wtf why is there a waifu rank again
ah jackie
the waifu wars are back
you can get your role back
Because someone started it
who's idea was this
of course