Message from @TERMIN8R
Discord ID: 534921630120673280
@spiritupgrades they call it *”the duke”*
@Spork molk lasagno
@Prostagma john lasagna
N64 was great
First message:
last message
I've kept him on for a good hour and a half
Was gutted she randomly turned up when my Chinese did 2 hours later, I only got charged £3 for it and a free half duck for the wait.
He fucking did it
i counted it
i ctrl c v'd into word counter
Terminator youre a good lad like
Fresh out the oven that one like.
Fuck sake.
And I'm not reading the whole fucking thing
No full stops
like what the actual fuck
>born 1990
like, counting is hard man
I estimate his age to be about 12-13
probably even younger
Also he thinks curie banned him
Creep banning someone one, rofl.
Nigga we always got problems.
It's been a lot lately too.
Anyone else think he almost sounds like he recreated shrek is love shrek is life but with dankula?
Gay after gay.
Nae remorse.
Nah I'm gonna hand him off to dim later