Message from @Jim
Discord ID: 534928854293151745
that was funny
Not this again
I'm going to leave the finale to dim
grats term
he's been here a while
thanks lads
Jim for mod 2.0 for that display of brilliant savagery 😂
Chris Chan Split his taint open to “free his vagina”
Shit hurt to see
Can we get an 🇫 for Old Jamie
He's going to the chimp herseflf tomorrow and we'll never hear from him again
He's still ranting and raging about it
Alright I'm off to bed now
night all
Night term
Congrats and night
Knew his brother in school.
is he sound or nah
His brother is.
Dunno about the 16 year old furry hiding.
i didn't mean the furfag lol
Hey guys
sad that jamie will shag monica and leave, another black kid growing up without a father
It ya boy choppy
think it's probably for the best in this case, quest