Message from @Dimorac
Discord ID: 535293345870774284
used to seed to ratio of 1 but takes too long, seed a bit at least until it's got
does qtorrent tell u that
Waist to hip
@Dimorac i did the opposite, i bought it twice then pirated it because steam kept removing it from my inventory
Lol that sucks
I miss having disc based pc games
those were fun
No joke I just finished completing it for the 6th time on Deathmarch, and FINALLY GOT THE FUCKING ACAHIVEMENT!!!
never used qtorrent so idk. look for a statistics or info option somewhere i guess
hdd all the way
I run a VPN, $40 a year
It'll be in the info tab.
goodbye discs
@TERMIN8R games are just too big to be on disc anymore unless they're being installed through like 6 of them
yeah fair enough
*puts discs on a train* Goodbye Discs!
seems they managed to weasel 300mbs out of me 😠
I have a seed box so it's not my connection.
Thats the poo we were looking for
@Ruger lmao virgin seeder
how could u
Thanks man