Message from @Dimorac
Discord ID: 535294954465918976
+kick @Elongated Muskrat "Fuck up dming me you autistic window licking little shit KYS!"
me neither
Its only for products I feel are ..questonable
only for software stuff
Then I can truely test if I like it
never any games
I did torrent matlab
There's no standard in the US, apparently, except in Utah
Where it's 1.5
SAS is one i might pirate, cause I dont have fucking 40k
Although ended up using octave anyways
But generally it's 1.25-1.5 us floz
not sure SurfEasy has a proxy for torrenting
Or 37-44ml
yea i pirate some dev apps cause i cant exactly afford 4 grand a month
it does seem to work sometimes
While in britain, a single shot is measured as 25ml
I will torrent comsol if I need it though, $100 000 for a license is a bit much
I could not find the member you wanted to kick...
aww he dead still
yeah fucking
Oh we offer affordable personal packages at 30k a year
Nah fuck you SAS
I think my whitey brain must be severely underdeveloped cause I don't understand anything of what the fuck you're talking about
Get you a man who can do all nine
SAS is a large data sheet/data processor thing
@jusa297 Yes, that is accurate
It has its own """program"""
I have a chance to learn R this summer
@Deleted User see, that I can understand
or do Stats 2
R is worth learning
Im not sure on which one really
@Deleted User isnt that like 350 pounds
R sounds nice, but so does Stats 2?
It is also Open source
But the teacher told me Stats 2 is mostly busy work