Message from @Renaar
Discord ID: 310154589775200258
we need to indoctrinate children into becoming redpilled
ya boi is drinking
they need to be vanquished
use the antifa strat
there is no other way
Antifa def needs to die. They are alot worse than just the vandalism they are brainwashing our white youth
unless they're eliminated
we'll be stuck in a tidal wave of forced multicultarism
antifa just needs to be treated like anyone who loots and assaults, no more police protection
This is why we need Hitler. Or at least a Romanesque republic
they are brainwashing everyone
Antifa is the reverse kkk
kkk were dems fam
death to all whites
kkk need more power in southern states
>they are brainwashing everyone
no, (((they))) are brainwashing everyone and paying antifa to riot
sign it goys
it's an official white house petition
if we sign it Trump is required to respond
I will when I get home
It's a step in the right direction. But tbh I will really be happy when we start rounding them up in camps
Like the commie dogs they are
shoot them like pigs for bacon
oh yeah
sign this too
for sure
can someone pin that?
it's Brendan fraser
just sign
I can't be bothered to explain rn
is he shunned by the jews