Message from @Anticom LR
Discord ID: 278323654205374485
Anglos are therr only true whites, americans will be given a proxy white position until we win, then you may live on an island like iceland or something
That sounds like nigger-tier Antifag tactics
I don't get it, is SC for example really majority black?
go check with the census bureau and get back to us
SC isn't majority black. Southern states just have the concentration of blacks because the South is where virtually all of them lived in America until the mid-20th century when they started moving to northern and western cities.
Are non anglos even human?
*highest concentraation
are humans even non-anglo?
im nor/dan/eng /spn
reppin the westies
I'm 100% Iberian master race
not use dto being called htat
lets invade tuvalu
good idea!
sorry for interrupting, but I tried doing the logo in the anticommie symbol style; @Verm
I've always wanted beachfront property
right wing safety squads
That seems more anti anticom
sign if you havent
stop posting that
@Meme Dealer >anti anticom
don't sign that
it's a honeypot
also is owned by (((soros))) so
just use a fake name and email
read the announcements
yeah i've seen a lot of "declare antifa as a terrorist group" petitions passed around as honeypots
it doesn't matter if you post with a fake name or email, it's a honeypot
read the announcements skeleton jelly
it talks about that
fake names and email won't cover your IP address