Message from @Anticom LR
Discord ID: 278323920128442378
reppin the westies
I'm 100% Iberian master race
not use dto being called htat
lets invade tuvalu
good idea!
sorry for interrupting, but I tried doing the logo in the anticommie symbol style; @Verm
I've always wanted beachfront property
right wing safety squads
That seems more anti anticom
sign if you havent
stop posting that
@Meme Dealer >anti anticom
don't sign that
it's a honeypot
just use a fake name and email
read the announcements
yeah i've seen a lot of "declare antifa as a terrorist group" petitions passed around as honeypots
it doesn't matter if you post with a fake name or email, it's a honeypot
read the announcements skeleton jelly
it talks about that
fake names and email won't cover your IP address
____ is a ____ of peace
Holy kek
radio silence
fight the good fight
what is going on......?