Message from @Aya
Discord ID: 536263382190260225
a2 is all fine now
they look so cool, not the active kind
a de-fanged one
a glock 17
I'd shave it down a bit, use it as a tea holder
you just pull the trigger until the bad guy goes away
@Questgiver a simple life with simple pleasures
imagien drinking your tea off a sea mine
Or a wee armalite
no saftey to fuck around with
To scare a Para
it aint much but its honest work
wagwan, degenerates.
Dank Brigade farms
retards keep on eating all the manure
turn the retards into fertiliser then
soylent green my man
they're brown already
halfway there
Tiocfádh ár lá
living on a prayer
inb4 tea dies
my odds are on peacefully at 3am tomorrow morning
wait what tea is scat now? fuck i've been gone a while
Am I?
3am is oddly specific
Im hedging my bets
<:Pepega:533727176734933004> 📢 **AM GONNAE DIE THE MORN**