Message from @Leeroy

Discord ID: 536483108808032262

2019-01-20 09:47:07 UTC  

looking out for RNLI pager freqs lol

2019-01-20 09:47:35 UTC  

it's an interesting bit of kit, it's a lot harder finding active broadcasts than you'd think

2019-01-20 09:47:49 UTC  

What you got lee?

2019-01-20 09:47:57 UTC  

Whats the kit i mean

2019-01-20 09:48:00 UTC  

a GRE PSR-282

2019-01-20 09:48:07 UTC  

200 channel scanner

2019-01-20 09:48:26 UTC  

1 sec imma google

2019-01-20 09:49:35 UTC  

Ah thats pretty cool

2019-01-20 09:49:51 UTC  

How did you come across owning one?

2019-01-20 09:50:25 UTC  

you ever messed with CB or HAM radio @Leeroy

2019-01-20 09:50:40 UTC  

nah but I knew a nice old lady back in the 90's who did

2019-01-20 09:50:45 UTC  

this was a gift haha

2019-01-20 09:50:52 UTC  

christmas gift from a marine engineer

2019-01-20 09:50:52 UTC  


2019-01-20 09:51:30 UTC  

My dad said he used to own a CB

2019-01-20 09:51:35 UTC  

It's got a CB/HAM radio mode

2019-01-20 09:51:54 UTC  

Had one of the beefy ones that you need a license for

2019-01-20 09:52:00 UTC  

can't talk obviously lol

2019-01-20 09:52:07 UTC  

yeah we used to fuck about as my dad had a few flatbed bedfords for his business when i was a kid and had one at home for contacting him

2019-01-20 09:52:18 UTC  

You could knock out the signals in the area

2019-01-20 09:52:20 UTC  

tbh not looked into legality

2019-01-20 09:52:30 UTC  

assuming I'm ok seeing as I can't lock into police freqs

2019-01-20 09:53:07 UTC  

they switched their kit over now so you cant i think

2019-01-20 09:53:23 UTC  

they switched their kit over now so you cant i think

2019-01-20 09:53:24 UTC  

yeah he told me a story about manchester police relays in the old days being taken over for general chit chat by ham radio operators

2019-01-20 09:53:32 UTC  

was a problem

2019-01-20 09:54:00 UTC  

plus people could get allsorts of sensitive data before they went to VHF/UHF then onto the o3 closed network

2019-01-20 09:54:23 UTC  

dare say it happened all over the country lol

2019-01-20 09:54:26 UTC  

aye, we used to listen into phonecalls on old mobiles and allsorts

2019-01-20 09:54:41 UTC  

I found what I think was a baby monitor earlier

2019-01-20 09:54:45 UTC  


2019-01-20 09:54:46 UTC  

was a weird one lol

2019-01-20 09:54:56 UTC  

thats gonna be really close to pick it up

2019-01-20 09:54:59 UTC  


2019-01-20 09:55:09 UTC  

like less than 100ft iirc

2019-01-20 09:55:09 UTC  

gotta be street, 6 metres to 20 maybe?

2019-01-20 09:55:56 UTC  

anyway yeah, interesting stuff

2019-01-20 09:56:11 UTC  

it a standalone unit or use with a big aerial?

2019-01-20 09:57:02 UTC  

I think I still have a cb mast in the loft. Morning all

2019-01-20 09:57:04 UTC  

I got the stock rubber one but I got a bnc adapted metal extendable pole antenna thing for 4 quid off amazon lol

2019-01-20 09:57:20 UTC  

god bless china