Message from @Euro Nigga
Discord ID: 538045667273342976
Gary for God Emperor tbh. Make Scatland Great Again
@Papa Benz Actual mod scandals
@Sock Wizard if bonk came late people would choose him
+kick @Deleted User "out of election @
The whole election thing is p dumb. So the option that pisses off the most people is truly the way to go
I sense a rigged election
Not Bonk, Atomic bomb
@Lyra ❤
The chadman Gary flexes on the Eternal Anglo
I've changed again
@Sock Wizard i ment even if he joined in time the votes would be the same
Atomikov for mod!
What are your promises atomikov
Wholesome soup
Vote for Yeetshirt or die a faggot
@everyone it's obvious who's gonna win.
Yes YOU ALL IT TAKES IS$50 and my pay pal
Vote for Atomikov or die a faggot
@MidshipGary fool me once shame on you.......
See if tshirt and atomikov win it's the perfect combo of salt. But I know it isn't gonna happen. One will at least be second if all goes well
Hey I voted for ya
Make atomikov VP to Yeetshirt
Lol why would I
thats why
"+giveme tism" for someone who'd be autistic enough to perform well here
Imagine wanting to be a whitey shepard
That's a false statement