Message from @sweatercowsandsass
Discord ID: 538060399891841035
Alright, time I stopped using masturbation to avoid people, what’s going on here?
we dont deserve dogs be we got them anyways
Hates the hoover, loves squaring up to swans @Mandy
just couldnt remember what it was
haha pure eating swans
She actual lunges at them 😂 no joke
ma wee dug likes to chase birds
Growling n everything with the teeth oot
@Mandy awwww a love your wee pupper
just waiting for a large gull to swoop down and fly her away
Probs wid tbh shes about the size of them
Fat heads
We used to have a Pitbull mix, she was very sweet
They are my fave breed
Get a Smithfield
Wtfs a smithfield
There Loyal as heck
Australia Cattle dog
all dogs are loyal as fuck
Nah i want a daaaaane
A dane or a sausage boi
ok never heard of them called that before
alsatian gang
@Mandy me neither
there's a reason they're called man's best friend
@Disasterpiece my first ever dog was an alsatian
theyre so good
lil goodie boys
saaaames, first family dog was a german shepherd called Radar