Message from @Disasterpiece
Discord ID: 538060781292355594
Probs wid tbh shes about the size of them
Fat heads
I want a great dane so badly
We used to have a Pitbull mix, she was very sweet
They are my fave breed
Get a Smithfield
Wtfs a smithfield
There Loyal as heck
Australia Cattle dog
all dogs are loyal as fuck
Nah i want a daaaaane
A dane or a sausage boi
ok never heard of them called that before
alsatian gang
@Mandy me neither
there's a reason they're called man's best friend
@Disasterpiece my first ever dog was an alsatian
lil goodie boys
saaaames, first family dog was a german shepherd called Radar
he was a fucking chad
He hated my neighbour for some reason and jumped on her once lmao @Disasterpiece
He was called Mac
i love him
they're just too cute
My mum has a wee jack russell the now
love Jack Russells
Wee Jock the jack russell lying in some shape on xmas day
like not just Dino
@sweatercowsandsass cunt she knewabout you first