Message from @Angry🅱urntToast
Discord ID: 538218648146280459
bonk will only get my vote if he threatens to embargo the porn collection
Do it
You know at heart they won't give you scat back lmbao
Lose u rank
@FUCK fire why do you bully me so?
does he need a reason?
Jamie this is worse than spam
a man's penis is his best friend 😢
Thank you Jaime very cool
gotta pull out the big book of discord to find out if this qualifies as gore
@FUCK fire no booli
@american patriot no blood so we good, @coattailsandbowties you got the ball pop gif?
@Pirate why does your sack look like your fucking chin
one ball
hangs more than a little to the left
see I always likened it to a tumor on a ken doll @american patriot
It is known that pirate is one ball Johnson
Woah :O
I like that dim
since march last year