Message from @AllTheFunnyNamesWereTaken
Discord ID: 538270946541436959
*No kaliphat plz*
I'm genuinely curious as to where @Kareemstar lives
What ethnicity are you don ?
American Paki, clearly
@Kommie fuck up
Paki's don't really go to america
Pakistani gang
England is the better choice
<:old3:437117551579758608> <:old3:437117551579758608> <:old3:437117551579758608> <:old3:437117551579758608> <:old3:437117551579758608>
Hi Dim
dim y tho
Very funny
Very original
I’m Ethnically an Italian (I’m white) and nationally I’m American
why is it always the same image anyway
at least we know dim is alive lol
Get sum new photos
@Kareemstar So what's your real ethnicity
Bye Todd
It's all getting complicated. No paki gang, Don?
Sure it is
How is defending the holy land going? @Kareemstar
Hello welcome back
What are you mixed with
My family is from Italy, Napoli to be exact