Message from @Sarcataclysmal
Discord ID: 538820328126808085
I lovethis
my Note 8 has a earphone jack, and the iphone X that doesnt, is somehow still thicker
the fuck was the point of removing it
+giveme porn
I have assigned that role.
I voted bonk like a real Whitey
i like them wheels
@lulwy go fuck yourself
<:pepega:537028896437174292> 📣 **ECH**
That looks like a drug dealers car
the car de la famiglia
those dang libtards are calling me dumb
@Balkan Twat the GN is a rich white boy car
Regular T Types are drug dealer cars
i'm back on the antivaxxers subreddit
this is good
vaccines cause the gay
i mean look at the gays
and how many are vaccinated
thats right,
all of them
vaccines cause gay
And eating bread causes school shootings. Every shooter ate bread.
and hot weather causes Terrorism
look where all the terrorist attacks happen
in hot weather