Message from @soup dad
Discord ID: 538880753333698580
@zalfir join the t gang
is that good?
We never had any
i'm considering it, there's like 3 good reasons that I won't list
We're poor
fartacus is trying to hit me in the hard points
bang bang
i dont need a list..... i just need your vote..... join t gang today
We can't afford tanks brother
waluuuuigi, waluuuuugi it's acold and borken waluiiigi
Vote today
for Soup
Fek off ya cunts
dont @ me faggot
people do but guns really help
fartacus you are exempt
Don't spam faggot
science kill people, that's why antivaxxers don't trust science?
hol up
lemme translate that shii
Fekin immigrants reeee
lol out loud
not even an immigrant
since i live in the country i was born in
It was ironic bro