Message from @Gurki
Discord ID: 539579702327640065
I'd take care of the dog better than me
Just get a Border Collie. actual GOAT dog
Ok imma sleep now bye everyone
what's GOAT again
dont wake up
Dude!!! How much have you done to this dog
Fuck you @scaredycake ☭ lol
@Grey Squirrel collies are best dog:(((
Rave corgu
@scaredycake ☭ did you just come in vc and ask what we were playing?
Yall like 100p gaming
I love this
It puts up with some much shit
Just wait my first meme is nearly done
@zalfir Greatest Of All Time
Big boy pants time
More good boi
best boi
2 hours sleep is not enough
@Gurki i’m telling ur mum u said that u WANK
border collie is a brilliant dog
More good boi
can do sheep math
My mom deserves to keep the illusion that she succeeded in raising something resembling a human being
she probably knows more than she lets on
Prolly but I'd like to keep the illusion that she still has the illusion
ya feel me
she probably knows about that thing when you were 12
whatever it was
Aw fuck not that thing, that was the worst
Am I the only one expecting a whitey purge after the elections, regardless of who got in?
Just got that sinking feeling you know?
whitey purges are usually nothing
they'll probably purge who ever didn't vote for the winner