Message from @Tea
Discord ID: 540188596380893185
Someone in a town north of where I live stabbed a pitbull too death
sick of yous like
actual weirdos
They did it a park
@Balkan Twat holy shit
did they find him
@Balkan Twat i already want to cry can you *not*
No but there's a $3,000 reward
Nigga they better find him wtf, why hurt animals when there's people to hurt
Never understand that
So just need to do the deposit for my wheelchair
and they are going to start building it 😄
There was no blood around the dog's mouth so he wasn't being aggressive
I'd prefer animals to be hurt than humans
Heck yeah Dim
Plenty of us to harm that deserve it
is it a cusstom built wheelchair
it's like when the guy was killed by his pet snake a couple years back, there were half a dozen cases of people beating snakes and tying them in knots.....
it was awful
Jackie yer troll isnt working
yeah its kinda old
you getting one of those things the cool kids have that makes it sound like a motor bike
@Dimorac congrats mate make sure to send pics of it when its finished
na man the iron bru can had a more authentic sound
Nah cut my wheel once
no doing that again