Message from @GoGo
Discord ID: 295707133293494273
How did he know
@TopHatt its in vetted general
@asdfgasdfgasdfaoklk i applied meme magic
not bad but im thinking thats more of s statement they would make that would imlpy that they could fix the machine
this machine wasnt real communism or something similar could work idk
itll work i guess, this machine kills innocents/jews/blacks/..ect
and have that image above some statistic or how a commie qoute stating how much they hate blacks would be a good direciton to take with it
>says USSR wasnt real communism
>waves USSR flag while claiming to be communist
Says X wasn't really communist
every time
If you want a true, genuine, pure communist society
Look at Africa
They're all communal
But theyre all starving
And niggers
That's why they've invented nothing in 60000 years
>"ussr wasnt real socialism"
>"i love my USSR flag"
I dont understand these loons
I openly like Hitler, i would never say "hitler wasnt real facism" while having a black sun logo
So Imustve missed something with all the mentions of alex jones
>Knew what hiter wanted, but trying not to be a nazi but somehwat want to go with his ways of Natoialism but not too much
>Going Armyfag over this leaf
>Says back off
>Calls me a ass
Yeah he is dead.