Message from @Andy
Discord ID: 295698733159415811
Probably classified as a terrorist.
Who is watching/?
you know whos is what he refers to them as, when he says they support antifa
even if he doesnt join us, i hope he atleast consideres making his own group like us or helps us produce some more meme's
yeah, he can do his own thing
If he wants to
he knows at most that where there to help
How did he know
@TopHatt its in vetted general
@asdfgasdfgasdfaoklk i applied meme magic
not bad but im thinking thats more of s statement they would make that would imlpy that they could fix the machine
this machine wasnt real communism or something similar could work idk
itll work i guess, this machine kills innocents/jews/blacks/..ect
and have that image above some statistic or how a commie qoute stating how much they hate blacks would be a good direciton to take with it
>says USSR wasnt real communism
>waves USSR flag while claiming to be communist
Says X wasn't really communist
every time
If you want a true, genuine, pure communist society
Look at Africa
The tribes