Message from @Maxalot

Discord ID: 540807037240606730

2019-02-01 08:11:16 UTC  

By what he just said id say 3 windows a day and 24 a week @Dr. Graphix

2019-02-01 08:11:21 UTC  

Including the driver’s glasses

2019-02-01 08:11:29 UTC  

kinda wish i didnt have this tard helmet on all the time, makes wearing headphones complicated

2019-02-01 08:11:34 UTC  

Because he thinks that glasses are eye windows

2019-02-01 08:11:50 UTC  

3x7 is 21 you nonce, not 24

2019-02-01 08:12:07 UTC  

Fuck math

2019-02-01 08:12:11 UTC  

Its 2

2019-02-01 08:12:17 UTC  

keep tellin your sweet little lies

2019-02-01 08:12:21 UTC  

toddy boy

2019-02-01 08:12:46 UTC  

thats like toddler level math

2019-02-01 08:12:50 UTC  

the fuck

2019-02-01 08:12:51 UTC  

Math is fuckin gay

2019-02-01 08:12:57 UTC  

yer gay

2019-02-01 08:13:05 UTC  

Yer not wrong

2019-02-01 08:13:10 UTC  


2019-02-01 08:13:12 UTC  


2019-02-01 08:13:20 UTC  

fuck sake

2019-02-01 08:13:30 UTC  

Smh graphixs

2019-02-01 08:13:44 UTC  

ex fucking scuse me, its graphix

2019-02-01 08:13:44 UTC  

~~Kill me~~

2019-02-01 08:14:05 UTC  


2019-02-01 08:14:16 UTC  

Morning max

2019-02-01 08:14:17 UTC  

consider the following <:imout:437239184269508610>

2019-02-01 08:14:19 UTC  

@mods Please give me the ability to post reactions again

2019-02-01 08:14:19 UTC  

Mornin max

2019-02-01 08:14:20 UTC  

According to discord customer support furry porn is allowed

2019-02-01 08:14:34 UTC  
2019-02-01 08:14:38 UTC  
2019-02-01 08:14:40 UTC  

@Todd See Todd is nice and says morning

2019-02-01 08:14:43 UTC  

Time to delet discord

2019-02-01 08:14:51 UTC  

Not here retard @Clitoris Obliteris

2019-02-01 08:15:06 UTC  

I'm aware and glad at that

2019-02-01 08:15:11 UTC  

Shit is disgusting

2019-02-01 08:15:24 UTC  

cub porn is loli porn for furries, how the fresh fuck is that allowed

2019-02-01 08:15:30 UTC  

No ideqa

2019-02-01 08:15:37 UTC  

@SuperCoven Please let me post reactions the cute little emojis and images provide a lot of positive stimulation to my autism mind

2019-02-01 08:15:39 UTC  


2019-02-01 08:15:39 UTC  

that shits just dumb

2019-02-01 08:15:46 UTC  

"They're not real people" is probably the justification