Message from @Max Payne
Discord ID: 312403791184134155
And it won't be pretty for the left.
Obama has no positive legacy. No one talks about him anymore.
But he has no negative one. He CANNOT afford to have this backfire.
That's why the media is covering him
git ur popcorn
this is gonna be great
I mean tell me what I just said doesn't make sense.
Flynn was a patsy the whole time and Obama was a bitter, petty ideoogue.
And don't even get me started on the psyche of Obama.
Marxist with daddy issues who never had the black experience, who got high with white liberals in Hawaii and is bisexual.
he has no persective of niggerdry
If Trump picks someone with balls of steel for the FBI, we could be in for one hell of a show.
See in 2008 I remember reading these articles about Obama not being black enough
anyway yeah Obama had daddy issues
Frank Marshall Davis became his surrogate father and mentor. A Marxist.
Besides Obama is just dour and bitter whenever I see him.
our new director of the FBI
kill the lizard people
amphibians > reptiles
Scalefags must be gassed
exterminate them all.
species war now!!!!
Those damn lizards haven't done good for nobody.
hillary is a reptile
she's a robot/.
u sure about that
but where does that leave Pepe?
pepe is an amphibian