Message from @AstroTorch
Discord ID: 541625583172321283
Aye the migrants are always potrayed in the media as a bunch of dindus but we know they dudu everywhere.
But if they dont, then do they count of Muslim
because even moderate muslims would be ok with sharia being law.
which isn't ok
because given the oportunity they will vote sharia
no, not all muslims are Jihadis
no they wouldn't - they are moderate muslims
But i dont get this term moderate
Its dumb
there's been surveys, dude
Most would be okay with it, though.
shame most of em despise the gays
the surveys are fake news
Regardless of jihad.
You either believe the set of rules in a religion or you dont
when asked which set of laws they think are better for a country, even the moderates choose sharia
The problem isn’t Islam as a whole. Most religions these days have been “defanged” so to speak. Islam still has a massive extremism problem. The worst you get from Christianity is the wesboro Baptist church. Islam’s worst: 9/11.
fucking years ago
not all muslims are jihadis, but all jihadis are muslims, the more muslims you import, the more jihadis you import. it's really not complicated
I know ayomikov is beating but anyone who seriously thinks Islam is fine is a tato
wait I was making lunch, not engaging in politics on shitposting servers
that actually sounds logical @AstroTorch
@a.pod2994 jews did 9/11
Like nigga I was a Muslim I know
later guys o/
best way i could think to explain it
Why can't we just euthanize the Muslims
Not even about importing them, it's about them able to influence others. How many say they're not jihad but really are. Literallysays in the Quran to fool the non believers.
You cannot be religious without being a fundamentalist and if you arent then you are just some guy that does a few of the same things as that religion. Change my mind niggas
lorne the crusades were racist
@Not Kebab costs too much, a cheeky room and some gas is much more efficient
oh wait he still blocked me
nazis get out of my dms
the crusades were just the pope sperging out