Message from @Kingdilph

Discord ID: 542528065167949824

2019-02-06 02:09:40 UTC  

fuck no

2019-02-06 02:09:43 UTC  

that shits gay

2019-02-06 02:09:52 UTC  

go back to renaming whiteys

2019-02-06 02:09:57 UTC  

@Copper cant hide yer sins in here nigga

2019-02-06 02:10:32 UTC  


2019-02-06 02:10:37 UTC  


2019-02-06 02:11:03 UTC  

the fuck is with all this "cum" stuff

2019-02-06 02:11:18 UTC  

cum is good, cum is life

2019-02-06 02:11:21 UTC  

Idk I just noticed my name got changed

2019-02-06 02:11:29 UTC  

cum is sweet, cum is nice, now make nice

2019-02-06 02:11:30 UTC  

we cum now

2019-02-06 02:11:44 UTC  

imma seeing dank's name diff and i didnt change it so it musta came from him

2019-02-06 02:11:59 UTC  

musta cum from him

2019-02-06 02:12:07 UTC  

who else could have done it

2019-02-06 02:12:25 UTC  

well only me and markus can change markuses name

2019-02-06 02:12:25 UTC  

he is running a social experiment

2019-02-06 02:12:28 UTC  

i just know it

2019-02-06 02:12:30 UTC  

look closer at the server image

2019-02-06 02:12:42 UTC  

oh damn name change

2019-02-06 02:12:49 UTC  

Who dunnit?

2019-02-06 02:12:50 UTC  

its the life seed ruger

2019-02-06 02:12:56 UTC  

or make it more visible on the server image?

2019-02-06 02:12:58 UTC  

u know 😃

2019-02-06 02:13:14 UTC  

oh i see the pic now

2019-02-06 02:13:18 UTC  

what is the origin of the meme you border hopping job stealer

2019-02-06 02:13:22 UTC  


2019-02-06 02:13:24 UTC  

no idea

2019-02-06 02:13:32 UTC  

I asked a few times already to no avail.

2019-02-06 02:13:44 UTC  

Apparently cuttle might have said something

2019-02-06 02:13:57 UTC  

That sounded funny to markus

2019-02-06 02:14:12 UTC  

fuck it, when in rome

2019-02-06 02:14:27 UTC  


2019-02-06 02:14:29 UTC  


2019-02-06 02:14:29 UTC  

When in Rome, cum as the romans do.

2019-02-06 02:14:34 UTC  


2019-02-06 02:14:39 UTC  


2019-02-06 02:15:00 UTC  

we put all the cum zone songs on & it got a bit out of hand

2019-02-06 02:15:08 UTC  

I need one for me

2019-02-06 02:15:12 UTC  

the whole server's a cumzone now

2019-02-06 02:15:20 UTC  

you niggas are gay as piss

2019-02-06 02:15:22 UTC  

these server themes are getting worse