Message from @TheBlueComet ✯
Discord ID: 440303645423304725
✅ **Check <> for a list of commands**
what bot u looking for
= Command List =
[Use ?help <commandname> for details]
== Clash Royale ==
?topdeck :: Display top decks for the arena.
?tourney :: Display open ongoing tournaments.
== Fun ==
?random :: Grabs a random image from some internet API.
?asciiface :: Shows a random ascii face.
?bill :: Displays a random bill meme.
?cowsay :: Let the cow speak.
?fml :: Displays a random fml.
?insult :: Insult someone
?joke :: Displays a random joke.
?lovecalc :: Calculates love percentage.
?magic8 :: Answers a question, magic 8 ball style.
?numberfact :: Displays some fact about random number.
?pun :: Generates a random pun.
?reddit :: Posts a random subreddit entry.
?rps :: Play rock-paper-scissor.
?urban :: Searches the Urban Dictionary.
?yesno :: Tells you yes or no for a question
== Games ==
?connect4 :: Play the game of connect4 with your friend
?pkmn :: Guess the pokemon.
?tictactoe :: Play tic tac toe with your friend.
?trivia :: Test your trivia knowledge.
== General ==
?avatar :: Get someone's acvatar
?commands :: List commands by category.
?emote :: Displays all the emojis of the server.
?help :: Displays all the available commands.
?horoscope :: View your today's horoscope.
?info :: General info about the Bot.
?inspire :: Get random inspirational quotes from an AI.
?invite :: Let you invite the bot to your server.
?ping :: Latency and API response times.
?serverinfo :: Displays server information & statistics.
?stats :: Gives some useful bot statistics
?tags :: Your personal commands.
?userinfo :: Displays few information about the user.
== Images ==
?beautiful :: this..., this is beautiful
?disabled :: Disabled person.
?hitler :: Worse than hitler.
?illegal :: US President Trump makes something illegal.
?mylove :: You are my love and life.
?robot :: Generates some unique robot image.
?shit :: Stepped on some shit.
?wanted :: wanted, dead or alive.
== Moderation ==
?adcheck :: Returns a list of users with adverts
?ban :: ban a user.
?clear :: It clears between 2 and 99 messages.
?kick :: Kick a user.
?reason :: Updates a case log with a new reason.
?setting :: View or change settings for your server.
?warn :: Warns a nominated user.
== Music ==
?join :: Joins the message author's voice channel.
?leave :: Leaves the voice channel.
?pause :: Pause the music being played.
?play :: Plays the music from the queue.
?queue :: Display the queue of songs for the server.
?resume :: Resume the paused song.
?search :: Searchs for music in youtube
?skip :: skips the current song being played.
== Support ==
?patreon :: Displays patreon information
?subscribe :: Adds/Removes `Subscriber` role.
== Utilities ==
?country :: General information about a coutnry.
?discrim :: Get discrim'ed user list
?docs :: Search the discord.js documentation
?google :: Searches something on Google.
?npm :: Gets information on an NPM package.
?reminder :: Remind yourself with this command.
?wikipedia :: Make a wiki search.
the Border Security one
dont think there is one
@Donaldus Triumphus, please wait 3.5 more second(s) before reusing the `hitler` command.
= Command List =
[Use ?help <commandname> for details]
== Clash Royale ==
?topdeck :: Display top decks for the arena.
?tourney :: Display open ongoing tournaments.
== Fun ==
?random :: Grabs a random image from some internet API.
?asciiface :: Shows a random ascii face.
?bill :: Displays a random bill meme.
?cowsay :: Let the cow speak.
?fml :: Displays a random fml.
?insult :: Insult someone
?joke :: Displays a random joke.
?lovecalc :: Calculates love percentage.
?magic8 :: Answers a question, magic 8 ball style.
?numberfact :: Displays some fact about random number.
?pun :: Generates a random pun.
?reddit :: Posts a random subreddit entry.
?rps :: Play rock-paper-scissor.
?urban :: Searches the Urban Dictionary.
?yesno :: Tells you yes or no for a question
== Games ==
?connect4 :: Play the game of connect4 with your friend
?pkmn :: Guess the pokemon.
?tictactoe :: Play tic tac toe with your friend.
?trivia :: Test your trivia knowledge.
== General ==
?avatar :: Get someone's acvatar
?commands :: List commands by category.
?emote :: Displays all the emojis of the server.
?help :: Displays all the available commands.
?horoscope :: View your today's horoscope.
?info :: General info about the Bot.
?inspire :: Get random inspirational quotes from an AI.
?invite :: Let you invite the bot to your server.
?ping :: Latency and API response times.
?serverinfo :: Displays server information & statistics.
?stats :: Gives some useful bot statistics
?tags :: Your personal commands.
?userinfo :: Displays few information about the user.
== Images ==
?beautiful :: this..., this is beautiful
?disabled :: Disabled person.
?hitler :: Worse than hitler.
?illegal :: US President Trump makes something illegal.
?mylove :: You are my love and life.
?robot :: Generates some unique robot image.
?shit :: Stepped on some shit.
?wanted :: wanted, dead or alive.
== Moderation ==
?adcheck :: Returns a list of users with adverts
?ban :: ban a user.
?clear :: It clears between 2 and 99 messages.
?kick :: Kick a user.
?reason :: Updates a case log with a new reason.
?setting :: View or change settings for your server.
?warn :: Warns a nominated user.
== Music ==
?join :: Joins the message author's voice channel.
?leave :: Leaves the voice channel.
?pause :: Pause the music being played.
?play :: Plays the music from the queue.
?queue :: Display the queue of songs for the server.
?resume :: Resume the paused song.
?search :: Searchs for music in youtube
?skip :: skips the current song being played.
== Support ==
?patreon :: Displays patreon information
?subscribe :: Adds/Removes `Subscriber` role.
== Utilities ==
?country :: General information about a coutnry.
?discrim :: Get discrim'ed user list
?docs :: Search the discord.js documentation
?google :: Searches something on Google.
?npm :: Gets information on an NPM package.
?reminder :: Remind yourself with this command.
?wikipedia :: Make a wiki search.
Cannot be longer than 10 characters or shorter than 1 character.
?illegal Liberals
Trump is currently making something illegal, please wait.
@TheBlueComet ✯, You must provide a user
?rps Rock
**TheBlueComet ✯**: :fist::skin-tone-2: __VS__ **Gearz**: :fist::skin-tone-2:
It's a draw, lets do a rematch.
= Command List =
[Use ?help <commandname> for details]
== Clash Royale ==
?topdeck :: Display top decks for the arena.
?tourney :: Display open ongoing tournaments.
== Fun ==
?random :: Grabs a random image from some internet API.
?asciiface :: Shows a random ascii face.
?bill :: Displays a random bill meme.
?cowsay :: Let the cow speak.
?fml :: Displays a random fml.
?insult :: Insult someone
?joke :: Displays a random joke.
?lovecalc :: Calculates love percentage.
?magic8 :: Answers a question, magic 8 ball style.
?numberfact :: Displays some fact about random number.
?pun :: Generates a random pun.
?reddit :: Posts a random subreddit entry.
?rps :: Play rock-paper-scissor.
?urban :: Searches the Urban Dictionary.
?yesno :: Tells you yes or no for a question
== Games ==
?connect4 :: Play the game of connect4 with your friend
?pkmn :: Guess the pokemon.
?tictactoe :: Play tic tac toe with your friend.
?trivia :: Test your trivia knowledge.
== General ==
?avatar :: Get someone's acvatar
?commands :: List commands by category.
?emote :: Displays all the emojis of the server.
?help :: Displays all the available commands.
?horoscope :: View your today's horoscope.
?info :: General info about the Bot.
?inspire :: Get random inspirational quotes from an AI.
?invite :: Let you invite the bot to your server.
?ping :: Latency and API response times.
?serverinfo :: Displays server information & statistics.
?stats :: Gives some useful bot statistics
?tags :: Your personal commands.
?userinfo :: Displays few information about the user.
== Images ==
?beautiful :: this..., this is beautiful
?disabled :: Disabled person.
?hitler :: Worse than hitler.
?illegal :: US President Trump makes something illegal.
?mylove :: You are my love and life.
?robot :: Generates some unique robot image.
?shit :: Stepped on some shit.
?wanted :: wanted, dead or alive.
== Moderation ==
?adcheck :: Returns a list of users with adverts
?ban :: ban a user.
?clear :: It clears between 2 and 99 messages.
?kick :: Kick a user.
?reason :: Updates a case log with a new reason.
?setting :: View or change settings for your server.
?warn :: Warns a nominated user.
== Music ==
?join :: Joins the message author's voice channel.
?leave :: Leaves the voice channel.
?pause :: Pause the music being played.
?play :: Plays the music from the queue.
?queue :: Display the queue of songs for the server.
?resume :: Resume the paused song.
?search :: Searchs for music in youtube
?skip :: skips the current song being played.
== Support ==
?patreon :: Displays patreon information
?subscribe :: Adds/Removes `Subscriber` role.
== Utilities ==
?country :: General information about a coutnry.
?discrim :: Get discrim'ed user list
?docs :: Search the discord.js documentation
?google :: Searches something on Google.
?npm :: Gets information on an NPM package.
?reminder :: Remind yourself with this command.
?wikipedia :: Make a wiki search.
?illegal @Hayato
Cannot be longer than 10 characters or shorter than 1 character.
?illegal Liberals