Message from @Anon365

Discord ID: 531192949019508756

2019-01-05 12:38:16 UTC

2019-01-05 12:38:18 UTC  

It’s been over 2 years

2019-01-05 19:24:56 UTC  

Trump didn't win fair and square, more people voted for Clinton.

2019-01-05 19:25:08 UTC  

Either way, our president would suck.

2019-01-05 19:26:15 UTC  

@Anon365 winning with the electoral college is still winning fair and square

2019-01-05 19:26:52 UTC  

So the person who gets the least votes should win?

2019-01-05 19:27:19 UTC  

No. Whoever gets the most electoral votes wins

2019-01-05 19:27:37 UTC  

That isn't really fair

2019-01-05 19:27:37 UTC  

It just so happens there are times when you can get less popular vote while having more electoral votes

2019-01-05 19:27:51 UTC  

Most of the time, you win the college because you won the popular vote

2019-01-05 19:28:12 UTC  

"Most of the time"

2019-01-05 19:28:18 UTC  

I want it to be All The Time

2019-01-05 19:28:25 UTC  

Otherwise, it isn't democratic

2019-01-05 19:28:47 UTC  

There have been over 900 bills proposed to get rid of the college

2019-01-05 19:29:05 UTC  

If it was really so bad, and everyone didn't like it, then how come none of them came to fruition?

2019-01-05 19:30:32 UTC  

Polls have shown that Americans don't want to keep the EC

2019-01-05 19:30:42 UTC  

Doesn't matter what they want

2019-01-05 19:30:52 UTC  

It matters if the bill passes

2019-01-05 19:30:54 UTC  

And it hasn't

2019-01-05 19:30:59 UTC  

That's True

2019-01-05 19:31:08 UTC  

It should pass imo

2019-01-05 19:31:15 UTC  

We should get rid of it

2019-01-05 19:31:20 UTC  

But it won't for some reason

2019-01-05 19:33:12 UTC  

It's not like the electoral college goes and ignores what the people vote for anyway

2019-01-05 19:34:26 UTC  

Basically all the states give all their electoral votes to the candidate who won the popular vote

2019-01-05 19:35:07 UTC  

Sure, but the votes are disproportionate

2019-01-05 19:35:21 UTC  

The electoral college allows for the less populated states' votes to have the same impact as the more populated states, so everyone actually matters

2019-01-05 19:35:37 UTC  

It weights votes differently and assigns electors based on population.

2019-01-05 19:35:52 UTC  

But why should your location matter?

2019-01-05 19:35:58 UTC  

And why over power the small state?

2019-01-05 19:36:47 UTC  

I would be fine with it if the "winner takes all" system is removed

2019-01-05 19:37:20 UTC  

That's unacceptable

2019-01-05 19:39:54 UTC  

electoral college is based off of checks and balances so everyone gets a say in the election process

2019-01-05 19:40:21 UTC  

What about the Republicans in the Blue states and the Democrats in the Red states?

2019-01-05 19:40:37 UTC  

There vote is heard

2019-01-05 19:40:43 UTC  

How So?

2019-01-05 19:40:58 UTC  

You get to vote

2019-01-05 19:41:26 UTC  

Sure, but your vote won't count in the end because the state is guaranteed to vote one party

2019-01-05 19:41:43 UTC  

So everyone voice is heard

2019-01-05 19:42:08 UTC  

Your vote won't count