Message from @Fokma(Bonjour)
Discord ID: 281608323634298890
@gabe_brouse what r u doin in CC
voice comparison is breddy scary
Podesta even looks like a creep
He has ties to the clintons
i pray he burns in hell
Latinos hate American niggers.
Oye Fidel!
Was the same in miami also
My mom would joke with me and sisters about never bringing nigger boyfriends or girlfriends into the house.
Esp argentinians fkin hated blacks
Idk why
Is Argentina white?
Yeah haiti fucking cucked itself
domincians are based
Dr is weird
People from therr are loopy
The funny thing is that about half the population of the DR are mulattoes, and even they hate Haitian niggers.
Dominican soldiers would hold up a sprig of parsley to someone and ask what it was. How the person pronounced the Spanish word for parsley (perejil) determined their fate. The Haitian languages, French and Haitian Creole, pronounce the r as a uvular approximant or a voiced velar fricative, respectively so their speakers can have difficulty pronouncing the alveolar tap or the alveolar trill of Spanish, the language of the Dominican Republic.
Like 76% of the dr is mulatto
Khmer Rouge
hernan do you have spanish ancestry
im fascinated with spanish history
total badasses
or they were
Spanish colonial ancestry.
I have relatives that still live in Spain, though.
thats dope
im jealous i have mostly british ancestry
im the eternal anglo