Discord ID: 480039825194614784

2018-08-17 15:39:13 UTC  

If guilty, CNN and MSLSD legal "analysts" will say this is the literal end of Drumpf as we know it

2018-08-17 15:39:18 UTC  

That's how its gonna be

2018-08-17 15:39:32 UTC  

It's entirely predictable

2018-08-17 15:39:54 UTC  

Sure. For the most part. I’m still going to enjoy reading the articles.

2018-08-17 15:39:58 UTC  

Besides, even if he walks

2018-08-17 15:40:06 UTC  

He still has to face another prosecution in DC

2018-08-17 15:40:07 UTC  


2018-08-17 15:40:21 UTC  

And he'll likely be found guilty there if he walks in Virginia

2018-08-17 15:40:39 UTC  

The Judge in DC is much more sympathetic to the Mueller team than in Virginia

2018-08-17 15:41:01 UTC  

besides, one count equals 10 years in prison

2018-08-17 15:42:06 UTC  

And he's facing like 12 counts or something on bank and wire fraud

2018-08-17 15:43:10 UTC  


2018-08-17 15:43:15 UTC  


2018-08-17 15:43:18 UTC  

hes fucked lol

2018-08-17 15:43:40 UTC  

I don’t care. You think I’m a Manafort fan boy?

2018-08-17 15:43:58 UTC  

If he did the crime, he should do the time

2018-08-17 15:43:59 UTC  

No lol

2018-08-17 15:44:25 UTC  

....Unless he sings, that is

2018-08-17 15:45:00 UTC  

It's why Mueller didn't refer this case to the US attorney in the eastern district of virginia

2018-08-17 15:45:21 UTC  

He wants to squeeze him to make him sing against the President

2018-08-17 15:46:53 UTC  

If he's found guilty on all counts, I think thats like 305 years he could be facing ROFL

2018-08-17 15:47:49 UTC  

If there's anything Trump supporters should admire is how Mueller is cracking down on foreign lobbyists influencing American politics... But nah

2018-08-17 15:57:31 UTC  

Media: "We're not enemy of people!"

Also media: "We want the names and addresses of the jurors. We promise we won't send our reporters to harass them on their front door. We pinky promise."

2018-08-17 16:03:58 UTC  

This is an unwarranted and unprecedented attack on our free press and cherished first amendment institutions that are the cornerstone of our republic.

2018-08-17 16:38:59 UTC  

Singing implies that there’s a song to sing. Mueller has nothing of substance on Trump Russia. It’s a vain hope of the desperate on the eve of their defeat.

2018-08-17 16:44:46 UTC  

That’s wild. CNN is run by thugs.

2018-08-17 16:50:25 UTC  

What good reason could the press be asking for this information right now? It looks like an intimidation attempt. Hopefully the jurors are doing what they’re supposedly be doing, and not watching media coverage.

2018-08-17 17:03:43 UTC  

CNN shows up at an old ladies house to intimidate her over supposed Russian made memes she shared in a Facebook group she runs.They put out her name, showed her house, and her face. This is why the fake news media is the enemy of the people. This isn’t journalism, it’s thuggery.

2018-08-17 18:30:29 UTC  

@Deleted User "Singing" in a legal context means they compose

2018-08-17 18:30:46 UTC  

And no shit its an intimidation attempt

2018-08-17 18:33:57 UTC  

CNN isn't "fake news" nor are they the enemy of the people and same goes for the rest of the media, but they damn sure work hard to paint themselves AS the enemy of the people by doing stupid shit like that, especially doxxing people

2018-08-17 18:36:44 UTC  

How old is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

2018-08-17 18:36:49 UTC  


2018-08-17 18:37:16 UTC  


2018-08-17 18:37:27 UTC  

She's retarded as fuck

2018-08-17 18:37:46 UTC  

No shit

2018-08-17 18:37:48 UTC  


2018-08-17 18:37:51 UTC  

as I said earlier

2018-08-17 18:37:53 UTC  

banning the press