Discord ID: 480457215384223751

2018-08-17 18:47:46 UTC  

I heard about it, but not from Alex, rather, the European news media

2018-08-17 18:48:34 UTC  

CNN mixing fake news in with real news is more damaging. You never know when to trust them because of the front they put up. Most people laugh at Infowars. CNN preys on people’s trust.

2018-08-17 18:48:44 UTC  

He was the first.

2018-08-17 18:49:43 UTC  

CNN is a much bigger problem than Infowars. So is the NYT. Which works with the CIA to make propaganda.

2018-08-17 18:57:32 UTC  


2018-08-17 18:59:44 UTC  

CNN should just come out as a left-wing network instead of pretending to be an impartial network, I've said this for a long fucking time and will continue to do so

2018-08-17 19:01:46 UTC  

CNN, NYT, and other media outlets aren't the problem, and Infowars isn't the problem either. Calling out and criticizing false articles and horrifically tainted political coverage on network television disguised as fair analysis is the right thing to do, not dismiss networks and outlets you dont like as "fake news" because you don't like the views they promulgate on certain issues and all things MAGA nation, thats ridiculous.

2018-08-17 19:06:03 UTC  

The media absolutely deserve harsh criticism for their retarded op-eds, columns, and obssesive coverage of all things Russia and Trumpworld, I don't mind this.

2018-08-17 19:27:49 UTC  

And I REALLY doubt the CIA is working with every liberal media outlet to propagate narratives in 2018 lmao. Most of the narratives they propagate are based off their own convictions and you're obviously gonna say "BUT MUH OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD" or something. I think you're conflating Bezos' business dealings with the CIA with liberal media outlets being literal CIA propaganda.

2018-08-17 19:49:42 UTC  

I mean, I dont give a fuck if the media goes full media matters-like activism promulgating left-wing views, they have the right to do that, but they shouldn't bullshit to their readers that they're down the line, impartial, and reputable journalists and reporters. That, I take issue with and this is what prompts Trumpsters on the right to label media outlets that do this, "fake news."

2018-08-18 02:59:09 UTC  

The show really just a barely developed clump of skits

2018-08-18 04:58:30 UTC  

Yo 🕹gamers we🕺🏻 need to ⚔️🔫💣 rise up against the 🙅‍♂️ Normies
gamer alliance
🕹 🕹🕹

2018-08-18 04:58:48 UTC  

Monarchy's are cool

2018-08-18 14:19:26 UTC  

I like how we didn't see a free press coordinate 300 editorials condemning Obama's DOJ's actions in subpoenaing AP reporters' phone records and Eric Holder trying to hold a reporter as a co-conspirator in a case. We never saw this concern from media hall monitors like baby tits stelter and the likes of him during the era of no scandals, and I can only imagine why.

2018-08-18 14:27:07 UTC  

Trump was a monstrous creation of the *media*, interrupting any candidate and anything else in the political landscape during the primaries giving him $2 billion dollars in free media. They fueled him and he's simply gone back to bite their asses and now they're freaking out and over-reacting in the other way, by attacking him relentlessly and it just makes him MORE popular every single damn day and how the media can't see this and instead blame the audience for being stupid when it's actually the media is just beyond me

2018-08-18 14:39:08 UTC  

The media don't get to restore Trump's image with giving him a platform of millions of dollars on The Apprentice for years and years, then hand him billions of dollars in free media as a ringer for Hillary, and then beg for Americans' help when he smacks them around with the gifts they hand him on a daily basis ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2018-08-18 18:37:01 UTC  

*One People One Nation End Immigration*

2018-08-18 19:23:33 UTC  

haha no

2018-08-18 19:24:12 UTC  

One people one nation I need a vacation

2018-08-18 19:25:26 UTC  


2018-08-18 19:26:00 UTC  

One people One nation End immigration

2018-08-18 19:28:37 UTC  

30 hours with Mueller

2018-08-18 19:28:43 UTC  

obviously cant be a bad thing

2018-08-18 19:29:29 UTC  

In the end, it's perjury over non-criminal things that has nagged Trump forever

2018-08-18 19:33:06 UTC  

We Happy Few :D

2018-08-18 21:29:32 UTC  

I just got here... yeah... New debate by Sgt.... I personally think that Trump’s tariffs against China will help the US economy in the long run... do you agree and disagree... if so... why?

2018-08-18 22:42:32 UTC  


2018-08-18 22:43:44 UTC  

The TPP actually would've done a lot on the economic front in both opening US investment and lowering barriers in the Asian pacific while at the same time countering China's influence

2018-08-18 23:45:25 UTC  

It's definitely wrecking China more than it is us, their stock market just crashed

2018-08-18 23:45:34 UTC  
2018-08-18 23:45:58 UTC  

they're gonna come to the table

2018-08-18 23:46:05 UTC  

only a matter of time, no doubt about it

2018-08-19 00:30:21 UTC  


2018-08-19 00:56:36 UTC  

Lets hope. China seems to have a strong desire to go for global leadership

2018-08-19 01:13:16 UTC  


2018-08-19 01:14:54 UTC  

In my state... China is the leading importer of goods from here and the economy is already improving after the brief drop because of tariffs. ABC, CNN, NBC, etc. are all saying China will go to Brazil for Soy Beans (My states leading export), but sales from China have actually increased since the tariffs began.

2018-08-19 01:16:59 UTC  

DONALDUS does make a good point of how China’s stock market crashed. My friend, who studies the DOW and other American stock markets, predicts America too will have a market crash bigger than the one in the 1930s. This would be due to the fact that we have a 300% increase since Trump was elected.

2018-08-19 01:30:43 UTC  

I just got told the New Mexico story was bullshit