Message from @Finn

Discord ID: 505466051845292042

2018-10-26 19:39:11 UTC  

Show me any study which does two things
1. Looks at SNPs which have been shown in GWAS to be related to IQ by race
2. Shows they're almost evenly distributed by race. I'll ignore anything as small as a 10% difference by race to be "noise"

2018-10-26 19:39:28 UTC  

If you show me any such study I will massively revise my position on race & IQ

2018-10-26 19:39:35 UTC  

And I don't think that contributes to anything

2018-10-26 19:39:51 UTC  

I would just leave this matter out of politics for now, and leave it in the purely scientific.

2018-10-26 19:39:53 UTC  

Ok, so actually showing that we have the same genetic capacities "doesn't contribute" to proving the exact such claim?

2018-10-26 19:39:55 UTC  


2018-10-26 19:39:58 UTC  

it's a matter of politics

2018-10-26 19:40:05 UTC  

All nonwhite dysfunction is blamed on white racism

2018-10-26 19:40:12 UTC  

You know

2018-10-26 19:40:19 UTC  

take Luxembourg compare the PISA Scores to Japan and Korea

2018-10-26 19:40:26 UTC  

all European countries score worse on PISA

2018-10-26 19:40:28 UTC  

even when they spend

2018-10-26 19:40:29 UTC  

per student

2018-10-26 19:40:31 UTC  


2018-10-26 19:40:36 UTC  

Making it political only makes research capabilities worse

2018-10-26 19:40:46 UTC  

Try getting a grant to do IQ research

2018-10-26 19:40:52 UTC  

leftists have made it impossible to discuss this openly

2018-10-26 19:41:05 UTC  

Because it competes with their hypothesis of "whitey responsible for all misfortunes nonwhites suffer"

2018-10-26 19:41:12 UTC  

you know

2018-10-26 19:41:35 UTC  


2018-10-26 19:41:37 UTC  

people don't cry systemic racism when students from Luxembourg who get MORE THAN $20,000 PER STUDENT do worse than Koreans and Japanese people who spend ~$8,000 per student

2018-10-26 19:41:47 UTC  

So yeah, that basically is my opinion on this. I have none on the science because I'm not a scientist, and doubt that anyone in here actually is

2018-10-26 19:42:18 UTC  

So all this arguing on whether or not race and IQ correlate is useless here

2018-10-26 19:42:22 UTC  

no it's not

2018-10-26 19:42:37 UTC  

Whether racial disparities in outcome are the cause of "white racism" or culture or innate group differences is immensely important

2018-10-26 19:42:50 UTC  

The entire Democrat platform is "blame whites for all your problems, you're not stupid, white people are just racist"

2018-10-26 19:42:52 UTC  

Since none of us have the capability to make claims that actually hold any worht

2018-10-26 19:42:57 UTC  

That is up to the scientists

2018-10-26 19:42:59 UTC  

I just provided you a study

2018-10-26 19:43:07 UTC  

feel free to provide any study which directly addresses the same subject

2018-10-26 19:43:10 UTC  

about GWAS and IQ and race

2018-10-26 19:43:28 UTC  

And well, untill they reach a consensus, it should be left out of politics as much as possible

2018-10-26 19:43:58 UTC  

The consensus is going to be a result of Chinese, not Western research, most likely

2018-10-26 19:44:13 UTC  

in China 100% of biological anthropologists believe race is a valid scientific concept

2018-10-26 19:44:15 UTC  

compared to like

2018-10-26 19:44:20 UTC  

40% in Eastern Europe

2018-10-26 19:44:23 UTC  

and lower in the West

2018-10-26 19:44:32 UTC  

They're not afraid to do research into the genetic structure of IQ

2018-10-26 19:44:33 UTC  

inb4 chinese scientists conclude the yerrow man is best man

2018-10-26 19:44:43 UTC  

Well they're not wrong in some aspects

2018-10-26 19:45:16 UTC  

they'd be very wrong