Message from @𝕡𝕦𝕘𝕤𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ducc

Discord ID: 506724806780125184


so we were talking about why socialism doesn't work

and I went offtopic and ranted about chernobyl

now chernobyl

is an example

that shows us how dysfunctional the SU and their ideology was

2018-10-30 07:00:27 UTC  

I wouldn't say it was the cause of socialism, it was the direct cause of incorrect human planning, poor assembly and the incompetency of the workers

which is a cause of socialism

2018-10-30 07:00:44 UTC  

if it was a power play of socialism the what happened in Japan then?

2018-10-30 07:01:02 UTC  

although it was caused by a tsunami

japan was a different story you see,

because chernobyl was not hit by a tsunami

2018-10-30 07:01:29 UTC  

true, but I disagree that its mutually exclusive to socialism

not exclusive, but some of the most preventable mistakes happened due to socialism

2018-10-30 07:01:57 UTC  

how so

2018-10-30 07:02:19 UTC  

i doubt poor planning and the incompetency of the workers had to do with socialism, that woolen t be the case

for example when they failed to inform anyone of the incident, when the staff was poorly trained

of course it did

2018-10-30 07:03:09 UTC  

so where exactly does socialism indicate to train workers poorly, as well as to not inform the international community and secrecy?

2018-10-30 07:03:22 UTC  

that was poor leadership

which is due to socialism

2018-10-30 07:03:52 UTC  

almost every leader aftee brezhnev was due to poor leadership, these leaders were dying anyway, the SU needed a new generation of leaders, not socialism

2018-10-30 07:04:05 UTC  

they still lived during the revolution you see

2018-10-30 07:04:31 UTC  

they needed a new generation of leaders, yuri andropov was the last hope to reform the Union

under putin, Chernobyl would have never happened

for example

because in a capitalist democracy, people care about money

they don't need to in communism

2018-10-30 07:05:26 UTC  

no as I said, incompetency of a specific group of workers isn't a cause of a economic system

it is

2018-10-30 07:05:51 UTC  

communism has no money, why do you need money when you have achieved post scarcity? @𝕡𝕦𝕘𝕤𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ducc

it's because their wages do not depend on how good their work is

2018-10-30 07:06:30 UTC  

lol, I disagree with their fixed wage system, but again, it was a few wrong reforms.

yeah that's it, dismiss it as a few bad reforms

2018-10-30 07:07:34 UTC  

no, during the 60s, there was this huge debate on how to reform the economy, it was a piece-wage system which depended on short term intensive growth periods to sustain itself

2018-10-30 07:08:15 UTC  

a few leaders fucked up, and the collapse of the Union began to show itself in the late 70s, which isn't the product of socialism, but poor leadership

2018-10-30 07:08:38 UTC  

there would be poor leadership regardless of any system, its not exclusive to socialism

just imagine a system in which bad reforms mean catastrophic nuclear fallout<:FalloutTrump:475766832117186560>

2018-10-30 07:08:50 UTC  

yea and so?

2018-10-30 07:08:56 UTC  

alr said it wasn't mutually exclusive

2018-10-30 07:09:06 UTC  

the USA did some pretty horrible things to.