Message from @♠ℜomeo♠ ᛟϟϟLandStormϟϟᛟ
Discord ID: 316647821568638977
Elite, are they even human?
you got the guys on the top
then you got the lesser ones
its one big fucking hierachy
@♠ℜomeo♠ ᛟϟϟLandStormϟϟᛟ who? People like trump? If we actually take back shit we would just kill the rest of the globalists
I dont think they humans
tin foil hat blah blah blah
@Europa and you think thats SO easy
I literally hate all HR people.
Niggers are a subspecies.
@♠ℜomeo♠ ᛟϟϟLandStormϟϟᛟ and you think casting out muslims is?
All of them.
I see what Europa means.
true true
its hard
very hard situation
There are more muslims then jews in our countries
If it were easy, niggers could do it.
The elite is a VERY small percentage
take em out in 1 blow
And if we get rid of them
the elite is 1% indeed
but 98% of people dont care
Then we can start sending troops to the streets to destroy the invaders
Arent they just living on islands circle jerking? where the fuck are they?
Just nuke Mecca and try not to think so hard.
@JarJarBinx i wonder that too
I know rothschild is in scotland at times
Vaporize and irradiate kebab.
@♠ℜomeo♠ ᛟϟϟLandStormϟϟᛟ I hear NZ has elites flooding in
smart of them
Rothschilds, = Ruths Child
thing is those motherfuckers have kids
And they mkultra the kids
lots too
Yea nuking mecca wouldnt have any consequences on our earth